POSTED ON: 21 June 2013 @ 12:20 AM | 0 comments
Leaving everything behind is never easy. Separation from the ones you love is not easy. Life will be different indeed. But here is to everything we ever did and done. *lift up my cup of plain water*...For all the craziness, laughter , jokes , lameness...all the memories we created. Just want to tell you , that you are loved even after this. Life in university would never be the same without you. Thank you for always always always always... loving me for who I am! :')
''Leaving everything behind is never easy, but leaving knowing you are loved and valued by the people who went through everything with you, is indeed something you take with and KEEP in your whole life. :')''
Labels: birthday, blessed. graduation, friendship, God, kawan sejati, random, university
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POSTED ON: 21 June 2013 @ 12:20 AM | 0 comments
Leaving everything behind is never easy. Separation from the ones you love is not easy. Life will be different indeed. But here is to everything we ever did and done. *lift up my cup of plain water*...For all the craziness, laughter , jokes , lameness...all the memories we created. Just want to tell you , that you are loved even after this. Life in university would never be the same without you. Thank you for always always always always... loving me for who I am! :')
''Leaving everything behind is never easy, but leaving knowing you are loved and valued by the people who went through everything with you, is indeed something you take with and KEEP in your whole life. :')''
Labels: birthday, blessed. graduation, friendship, God, kawan sejati, random, university
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