REAL HOPE from hopelessness.
POSTED ON: 06 May 2013 @ 11:20 PM | 0 comments
We lost. It felt like hope was gone. Seriously. For a minute there, I really felt like crying. But I was in my friend's house and I held it in. My heart and dreams seemed to shatter into pieces. Suddenly there were rumors about new boxes of ballot papers coming in. What was told about the opposition winning was gone in just one hour of recounting. That was all. One hour of recounting demolished the hope and dreams we waited since 8pm.
I cried and prayed to God. Talked to my friends on 'Whatsapp', expressed my dissatisfaction. Psalm 91: 2 : I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; My God in Him I trust.' came to me. Held on to the verse and went to sleep with a prayer. And yet, when I woke up I saw some articles, posts and comments on Facebook that made me boiled inside of me. How injustices just happened in front of me? How corrupted this country? How I was really angry inside of me that this is the government that going to rule the country? How long will it be till the next election? How can this happened? Why did the evil prevails? How can hope become hopeless in such a short time?
I thought to myself so long. I am dwelling in my hopelessness and my anger towards injustices that I am blinded that I still got a GOD, that is the LORD of this nation. I remembered praying before election that no matter what will the result be, I shall rest in HIM. But where is my rest? One day of dwelling in sadness is enough. I told myself that I will move on from this. Picking up the broken pieces and march towards the justice, free and fair election that my God is planting.
And thinking back of what I've asked.
Yes , injustices happens but my God is a GOD of JUSTICE . He will not stand still and not do something. He is doing something big for this country. His time is always right. And I will have to learn to submit unto His timing. Yes, this country is corrupted but you are not, Fong Wan. You shall not dwell in anger and curse with negative words that are ungodly.Yes, you can be angry with the government, but they are still your government . Learn to respect the authority.Yes, next five years seem like a long way to go but please prepare yourself while anticipating for the next election. Don't give up! NO, Evil doesn't prevail. You are wrong. God prevails. His goodness prevails. Yes, hope become hopelessness in a short time but hopelessness can turn into hope in long time too.
I only waited for 4 hours to witness my hope being crashed but some leaders waited so long. The people of Israelites waited for so long too before Jesus, the Messiah, came. God knows what HE is doing. :)
Time to rise, people. Our country, Malaysia still needs us to fight for her. With that, I carved in my heart 'I still love nation and will not give up because God loves this nation and He is not giving up on this nation. If He did not, neither should I.' The biggest lesson I learned is to place my hope not in men, but GOD.
And in fact, we won. We won because our votes are clean. We won because we are upright. We won because we stood united. We won because our love for this nation. We won because we did not give up. And because of that, we won the real honest victory.
Indeed, I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God in Him I trust.'
Labels: election, God, hope, justice, Malaysia, personal
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REAL HOPE from hopelessness.
POSTED ON: 06 May 2013 @ 11:20 PM | 0 comments
We lost. It felt like hope was gone. Seriously. For a minute there, I really felt like crying. But I was in my friend's house and I held it in. My heart and dreams seemed to shatter into pieces. Suddenly there were rumors about new boxes of ballot papers coming in. What was told about the opposition winning was gone in just one hour of recounting. That was all. One hour of recounting demolished the hope and dreams we waited since 8pm.
I cried and prayed to God. Talked to my friends on 'Whatsapp', expressed my dissatisfaction. Psalm 91: 2 : I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; My God in Him I trust.' came to me. Held on to the verse and went to sleep with a prayer. And yet, when I woke up I saw some articles, posts and comments on Facebook that made me boiled inside of me. How injustices just happened in front of me? How corrupted this country? How I was really angry inside of me that this is the government that going to rule the country? How long will it be till the next election? How can this happened? Why did the evil prevails? How can hope become hopeless in such a short time?
I thought to myself so long. I am dwelling in my hopelessness and my anger towards injustices that I am blinded that I still got a GOD, that is the LORD of this nation. I remembered praying before election that no matter what will the result be, I shall rest in HIM. But where is my rest? One day of dwelling in sadness is enough. I told myself that I will move on from this. Picking up the broken pieces and march towards the justice, free and fair election that my God is planting.
And thinking back of what I've asked.
Yes , injustices happens but my God is a GOD of JUSTICE . He will not stand still and not do something. He is doing something big for this country. His time is always right. And I will have to learn to submit unto His timing. Yes, this country is corrupted but you are not, Fong Wan. You shall not dwell in anger and curse with negative words that are ungodly.Yes, you can be angry with the government, but they are still your government . Learn to respect the authority.Yes, next five years seem like a long way to go but please prepare yourself while anticipating for the next election. Don't give up! NO, Evil doesn't prevail. You are wrong. God prevails. His goodness prevails. Yes, hope become hopelessness in a short time but hopelessness can turn into hope in long time too.
I only waited for 4 hours to witness my hope being crashed but some leaders waited so long. The people of Israelites waited for so long too before Jesus, the Messiah, came. God knows what HE is doing. :)
Time to rise, people. Our country, Malaysia still needs us to fight for her. With that, I carved in my heart 'I still love nation and will not give up because God loves this nation and He is not giving up on this nation. If He did not, neither should I.' The biggest lesson I learned is to place my hope not in men, but GOD.
And in fact, we won. We won because our votes are clean. We won because we are upright. We won because we stood united. We won because our love for this nation. We won because we did not give up. And because of that, we won the real honest victory.
Indeed, I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God in Him I trust.'
Labels: election, God, hope, justice, Malaysia, personal
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