Truly, Malaysian.
POSTED ON: 09 May 2013 @ 12:23 AM | 0 comments
Someone posted about being Malaysian.
My friend: She is not Malaysian meh?
Me : You can be a Malaysian without truly knowing the real meaning of being a Malaysian.
Being a Malaysian takes so much more than what you think it is. It is about loving one another regardless religion, culture, financial level, ethnicity and status . It is about taking off whatever you are and going extra miles for one another. It is about compromising and the willingness to understand the beautiful differences we have that make each of us unique. It is about doing what best for our Malaysia. It's the heart of acceptance despite the differences knowing that we have one thing in common :
Labels: blessed, God, heartforpeople, hope, justice, love, Malaysia, thought, unity
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Truly, Malaysian.
POSTED ON: 09 May 2013 @ 12:23 AM | 0 comments
Someone posted about being Malaysian.
My friend: She is not Malaysian meh?
Me : You can be a Malaysian without truly knowing the real meaning of being a Malaysian.
Being a Malaysian takes so much more than what you think it is. It is about loving one another regardless religion, culture, financial level, ethnicity and status . It is about taking off whatever you are and going extra miles for one another. It is about compromising and the willingness to understand the beautiful differences we have that make each of us unique. It is about doing what best for our Malaysia. It's the heart of acceptance despite the differences knowing that we have one thing in common :
Labels: blessed, God, heartforpeople, hope, justice, love, Malaysia, thought, unity
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