POSTED ON: 20 December 2012 @ 2:51 AM | 0 comments
'Why are you so happy all the time?'
'Why do u smiles all the time?'
'Do you feel sad before?'
Yes. I do feel sad. Not all the time. Sometimes. Because I am a human. But I don't linger in my sadness. I ask God to help me. I pray. I know I have God by my side.
Why am I happy? Because what is the point of being sad? Life is just awesome to be sad. Yeah , I know things are hard at times. So what? It's LIFE. :) It's a journey, remember? There are rocks on the road, where u could stumble upon when you are on a journey.
Why do I smile all the time? Because smiles can make others smile too? Smiles are gifts. :)
What is the secret of my joy or happiness?
It's GOD!!
As when I fall, I have God to hold on unto!!
I know, no matter what happen, He is with me. Even right now, as I write this.. He is with me! Even right now, as YOU read this, God is with you.
God loves you, yo! :)
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me”( Psalm 23: 4)
Labels: faith, God, personal, random
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POSTED ON: 20 December 2012 @ 2:51 AM | 0 comments
'Why are you so happy all the time?'
'Why do u smiles all the time?'
'Do you feel sad before?'
Yes. I do feel sad. Not all the time. Sometimes. Because I am a human. But I don't linger in my sadness. I ask God to help me. I pray. I know I have God by my side.
Why am I happy? Because what is the point of being sad? Life is just awesome to be sad. Yeah , I know things are hard at times. So what? It's LIFE. :) It's a journey, remember? There are rocks on the road, where u could stumble upon when you are on a journey.
Why do I smile all the time? Because smiles can make others smile too? Smiles are gifts. :)
What is the secret of my joy or happiness?
It's GOD!!
As when I fall, I have God to hold on unto!!
I know, no matter what happen, He is with me. Even right now, as I write this.. He is with me! Even right now, as YOU read this, God is with you.
God loves you, yo! :)
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me”( Psalm 23: 4)
Labels: faith, God, personal, random
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