Packing Process
POSTED ON: 17 April 2013 @ 12:54 AM | 0 comments
'When you travel to another destination, you don't bring EVERYTHING with you. You pack what is the most ESSENTIAL to bring with you to the other place. Not because you don't want, but because you can't. Too many load , it makes it hard for one to travel.'
I heard that from a wise woman about closing a chapter in your life before sailing to the next one. So, who do you want to bring , to journey along with you for the rest of your life? Why? Is it mutual in thought, action , understanding and love? What values that you want to keep that you've learnt and what do you want to throw?
Think about it. :) Let God be your guide. *smile*
Labels: friendship, God, journey, random, thought, university
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Packing Process
POSTED ON: 17 April 2013 @ 12:54 AM | 0 comments
'When you travel to another destination, you don't bring EVERYTHING with you. You pack what is the most ESSENTIAL to bring with you to the other place. Not because you don't want, but because you can't. Too many load , it makes it hard for one to travel.'
I heard that from a wise woman about closing a chapter in your life before sailing to the next one. So, who do you want to bring , to journey along with you for the rest of your life? Why? Is it mutual in thought, action , understanding and love? What values that you want to keep that you've learnt and what do you want to throw?
Think about it. :) Let God be your guide. *smile*
Labels: friendship, God, journey, random, thought, university
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