God-centered or Self-centered?
POSTED ON: 30 March 2013 @ 5:40 PM | 0 comments
''God-centered or Self-centered?''
A question to ponder upon. In life, I think humility could be one of the hardest lessons one could ever learned. To boast of yourself of the things you had done, or to boast of God's things for He had done it through you.
It is okay to be delighted or even proud of something you did because of the gifts God had given you. But it is not right to declare it publicly so that you gain attention from others , or to gain acknowledgement from others that you did it very well. I meant, what is the intention of your heart?
To find the delights from the acknowledgement from men, or to find the delights that God had used you as vessel, that you should give thanks to Him.
Sometimes in the midst of receiving compliments, it is good to check on yourself. Let practice ' All glory goes to God', shall we? Let's practice that,Fong Wan!
Jeremiah 9: 23-23: This is what the LORD says ' Let not the wise boast of their wisdom, or the strong boast of strength, or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD , exercise kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,' declares the Lord.
Labels: faith, God, life, personal, random, thought
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God-centered or Self-centered?
POSTED ON: 30 March 2013 @ 5:40 PM | 0 comments
''God-centered or Self-centered?''
A question to ponder upon. In life, I think humility could be one of the hardest lessons one could ever learned. To boast of yourself of the things you had done, or to boast of God's things for He had done it through you.
It is okay to be delighted or even proud of something you did because of the gifts God had given you. But it is not right to declare it publicly so that you gain attention from others , or to gain acknowledgement from others that you did it very well. I meant, what is the intention of your heart?
To find the delights from the acknowledgement from men, or to find the delights that God had used you as vessel, that you should give thanks to Him.
Sometimes in the midst of receiving compliments, it is good to check on yourself. Let practice ' All glory goes to God', shall we? Let's practice that,Fong Wan!
Jeremiah 9: 23-23: This is what the LORD says ' Let not the wise boast of their wisdom, or the strong boast of strength, or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD , exercise kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,' declares the Lord.
Labels: faith, God, life, personal, random, thought
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