Doing what you do.
POSTED ON: 01 September 2013 @ 8:54 PM | 0 comments
What is your passion?
What are the things you believe in?
Go all out and live for the passion and everything you believe in.Because these two things are going to push you whenever you feel like a failure. There are reasons why you are living the way you living. Believe me when I said, ' You are what you made because of your choices.'. For me , it's...
Labels: God, random, thoughts
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Doing what you do.
POSTED ON: 01 September 2013 @ 8:54 PM | 0 comments
What is your passion?
What are the things you believe in?
Go all out and live for the passion and everything you believe in.Because these two things are going to push you whenever you feel like a failure. There are reasons why you are living the way you living. Believe me when I said, ' You are what you made because of your choices.'. For me , it's...
Labels: God, random, thoughts
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