My country, Malaysia.
POSTED ON: 22 April 2013 @ 8:42 PM | 0 comments
Remembered it was in the PLAN 11 back in 2011 that I sang Malaysia anthem, Negaraku with full of love and dedication that declares Malaysia is my country and I love Malaysia for the first time.
Jesus loves Malaysia. My God loves Malaysia and its people.
And because of that, I will not sit still , being feared and not do anything. I will continue to march on with all I have to stand strong in Him and with Him for this upcoming election. If you ask me honestly 'Why change the government?'. It is not because they ruled too long but because I want OUR voices to be heard. It doesn't matter who rules the country but I want a government that listen to the cries of his people and to sit down with his people and take time to do what is BEST for his people.
It is not because of the race differences, not because of the religion differences, not because the historical background is because it falls to only one thing , we are all HUMAN and we deserve all the equal rights and privilege as human.
The leaders that I hope and pray for is the leader that will think of his people, love his people and would even sacrifice himself for his people despite whoever and which race because that is the leaders that will put his people first.
I remembered watching Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln biography movie), with his famous quote 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.'. He managed to lived this quote by breaking the chain of American African being the slaves. He even sacrifice his sleep to think of the way to use all he can to stop the Whites from using the Blacks as slaves. He stood for equal right even though he , himself is a white. Today, Barack Obama is the first American African President and yes , it came from a long way since 1861. But it is all worth it, isn't it? Because everyone deserve to be treated Human with the same rights, truth, love and attention and care.
In this crucial time, let's us not sit at our comfort seat and watch these things that happens around and do nothing about it. Simple things such as pray unceasingly for our beloved nation, share the information that it is important is more than enough. Walk the talk!
Greater things are yet to come if all of us do our part as Malaysians. Don't look away. Change yourself too if you want the change in Malaysia. The future generation depends on you too. You too , can make a difference in this country starting today.
' I don't stand at white's side. I don't stand at black's side. I stand at God's side.' (Bob Marley)
'I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.' (Abraham Lincoln)
'Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order. So live responsibly as a citizen.' (Roman 13:1; Message Translation)
Labels: God, justice. election, life, love, Malaysia, nation, pray
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My country, Malaysia.
POSTED ON: 22 April 2013 @ 8:42 PM | 0 comments
Remembered it was in the PLAN 11 back in 2011 that I sang Malaysia anthem, Negaraku with full of love and dedication that declares Malaysia is my country and I love Malaysia for the first time.
Jesus loves Malaysia. My God loves Malaysia and its people.
And because of that, I will not sit still , being feared and not do anything. I will continue to march on with all I have to stand strong in Him and with Him for this upcoming election. If you ask me honestly 'Why change the government?'. It is not because they ruled too long but because I want OUR voices to be heard. It doesn't matter who rules the country but I want a government that listen to the cries of his people and to sit down with his people and take time to do what is BEST for his people.
It is not because of the race differences, not because of the religion differences, not because the historical background is because it falls to only one thing , we are all HUMAN and we deserve all the equal rights and privilege as human.
The leaders that I hope and pray for is the leader that will think of his people, love his people and would even sacrifice himself for his people despite whoever and which race because that is the leaders that will put his people first.
I remembered watching Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln biography movie), with his famous quote 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.'. He managed to lived this quote by breaking the chain of American African being the slaves. He even sacrifice his sleep to think of the way to use all he can to stop the Whites from using the Blacks as slaves. He stood for equal right even though he , himself is a white. Today, Barack Obama is the first American African President and yes , it came from a long way since 1861. But it is all worth it, isn't it? Because everyone deserve to be treated Human with the same rights, truth, love and attention and care.
In this crucial time, let's us not sit at our comfort seat and watch these things that happens around and do nothing about it. Simple things such as pray unceasingly for our beloved nation, share the information that it is important is more than enough. Walk the talk!
Greater things are yet to come if all of us do our part as Malaysians. Don't look away. Change yourself too if you want the change in Malaysia. The future generation depends on you too. You too , can make a difference in this country starting today.
' I don't stand at white's side. I don't stand at black's side. I stand at God's side.' (Bob Marley)
'I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.' (Abraham Lincoln)
'Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order. So live responsibly as a citizen.' (Roman 13:1; Message Translation)
Labels: God, justice. election, life, love, Malaysia, nation, pray
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