POSTED ON: 30 July 2012 @ 1:54 PM | 0 comments
We always have a choice between hope and despair -
no matter what circumstance we are in.
We always have a choice between fear and faith -
no matter how bleak things look.
And we always have the choice to give and serve -
no matter how little we own.
We always have the choices. Choose wisely.
What do You wanna do?
POSTED ON: 21 July 2012 @ 5:57 PM | 3 comments
What do you wanna do with your life, Fong Wan?
These days my brain is full of this question. Maybe it's internship. To reaffirm what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I believe God gave me certain gifts that I can use to reap at certain places and certainly it is not here. Public relation. Office. Facing computer for a whole day. I don't know. Sometimes, I am in position to handle media. Events. Free admission.
I tried to look at things, positively. Tried my best. My Best. But emotions caught me sometimes. Sometimes, tears just overshadowed my vision when I was thinking about it. Franklysaying, this internship is not easy. It is not because of the work or task. But people.
I cannot help but to judge how they treat us sometimes-how they treat one another, how cliquish are they among one another.I do not know that if it that I was treated nicely by people all the time or peoples here are just like that. A friend said, ' You are not suitable for this job.' I denied but now, I think it is true. This place. This corporate-kind-of-job, really is not a place for me.
I see myself working happily, miggling with people, talking to them, comforting them. Impacting people with what I've learnt with God, people and them. Even if I was to face obstacles, I know that I am doing what I love.
Not sitting in front of computer for a day and not allowed to talk in the office. Pretending to be busy even I am not.
Seriously, I can't wait for this to be done. I am transferring to another team next month. I will be over with this team - Media. I don't know what would happened next. But I know what I wanna do for the rest of my life. Certainly, it's not this.
Yesterday, I expressed everything to God. For the first time, I was soOOO angry at God. Even though, I was so angry but my action will not change God Himself. He still continue to be loving, patient and kind towards me which amazed me.
I have learnt. Although people here are workaholic, cliquish, all-the-cooporate-kind-of-attitudes, but I cannot allow myself to be blinded by that by treating them the same. I have to be patient. Even if I cannot stand it anymore, I will run to God. He shall renew my strength to overcome all my difficulties. And I shall not become one of them. I:) I have learnt no matter what how much you dont understand why are you being put in a difficult situation that leave you suffocating, God understand. He is just there. Cry, be angry, just be unglued..coz HE IS THERE.
Galatian 6:9
Let us not be weary in doing food, for at proper time,we will REAP A HARVEST if we DO NOT GIVE UP.
Labels: faithfulness, God, thought, tough
POSTED ON: 17 July 2012 @ 11:38 PM | 1 comments
Bitter and sweet. 'Bittersweet'. That is the word to describe my second week of internship. Was really feeling disturbed (what a word!) by my internship. HAHAHA! But I am not going to say anything negative about it because well, there is always another perspective on a situation. I have learnt more. I have learnt that God must have felt for me too. He suffered too. He know the feeling of rejections and persecutions even more. So, I have a GOD that understand how I feel. Well, I am not alone. You see, I am here for a reason. By the end of the day, I will take back what He wants me to learn.
''A rainbow requires droplets of rain and beam of sunshine to be formed.''
SOOooooo, what I did? I went to MTV World Stage!!! *woots* . Got free passes from my friend. *thankyouverymuch*. Went with Monica, Melanie and Natalia. It was okay. I SAW JUSTIN BIEBER and JAY PARK. Jay Park was awesome. :) Jay Park showed his abs and it was actually hilarious ( because he did it many times). Monica and I were laughing hard. But he was a good performer. All-in-one! I stay with Monica after that. * thank you very much much much!*
Justin BIEBER!!! He is pretty-looking! *I am not his fan* *SERIOUS*. haha
Our MTV world stage's passes. And we ''smuggled' a bottle of water into the concert. *they prohibited us from bringing water* HAHA
When we reached, he sang 'Never say never' , 'One time' and ' Somebody to love' .
MONICA and ME!!!:) Yipeee!!!
KARA was performing.
JAY PARK!! Honestly, he was the best performer! He can dance, sing, rap! ALL-in-ONE! He made the whole show, a WORTH!:)
Mon's cat. She was cute . I like her fluffy fur.
M&M, brought all the way from Japan by Mon's brother, Marcus! It's in COCONUT flavour! I like!:)
The M&Ms are only in 3 colours,tho.
We have employee's carnival here. So I played Laser Tech with one of my friends here. It was fun. I was the first to be shot dead. *ALWAYS* There was cosplay exhibition :Captain America, Pirate of Caribbean, Batman..etc. I shaked hand with them. Didn't manage to take pictures. But it was a fun day. Tried the Spiderman Flying Coaster on the same day! It was fun too.
Chicken Pie
Something Cheese Cake. HAHA
I don't know what is this. But it was tasty. Something I never had before.
Chicken again. HAHA
Chicken Wingggg!!!!! *fly fly fly*. HAHAHAHA
Roti John.
Anyways.. I catched up with friends. I initiated some textings here and there to stay in touch with friends. Got to know what they are doing. I think it is very important to stay in touch with friends. It's like friendship can be maintained even though we are far apart. That's the power of friendship!:) HAHA.
The view from the place I stay.
Soooooooo... that's all. Learnt to see things on the another side. :) It does help.
Especially if you try to see things from God's eyes!:)
Labels: faithfulness, friendship, random
'What if I told You?'
POSTED ON: 11 July 2012 @ 4:24 PM | 1 comments
What if I told you, Jesus came to abolish religion?
What if I told you getting you to vote republican, really wasn’t his mission?
Because republican doesn’t automatically mean Christian,
And just because you call some people blind, doesn’t automatically give you vision.
If religion is so great, why has it started so many wars?
Why does it build huge churches, but fails to feed the poor?
Tells single moms God doesn’t love them if they’ve ever been divorced,
Yet God in the Old Testament actually calls the religious people whores.
Religion might preaches Grace,
but another thing they practice.
Tend to ridicule Gods people, they did it to John the Baptist,
They cant fix their problems, so they try to mask it,
Not realizing that’s just like spraying perfume on a casket.
Because the problem with religion,
is that it never gets to the core,It’s just behavior modification, like a long list of chores.
Let’s dress up the outside, make things look nice and neat,
Its funny that’s what they do to mummies, while the corpse rots underneath,
Now I ain’t judging, I’m just saying be careful of putting on a fake look.
Because there’s a problem,
IF people only know that you’re a Christian by that little section on your Facebook.
In every other aspect of life you know that logics unworthy,
Its like saying you play for the lakers just because you bought a jersey.
But see I played this game too; no one seemed to be on to me,
I was acting like church kid, while addicted to pornography.
I’d go to church on Sunday, but on saturday getting faded,
Acting as if I was simply created to have sex and get wasted.
Spend my whole life putting on this façade of neatness,
But now that I know Jesus, I boast in my weakness.
If grace is water, then the church should be an ocean,
Cuz its not a museum for good people, it’s a hospital for the broken.
I no longer have to hide my failures I don’t have to hide my sin,
Because my salvation doesn’t depend on me, it depends on HIM.
You see, because when I was God's enemy and certainly not a fan,
God looked down on me and said, “I want that man!”
Which is so different from religious people, and why Jesus called them fools
Don’t you see he's so much better, than just following some rules?
Now let me clarify, I love the church, I love the bible, and I believe in sin
But my question, is if Jesus were here today, would your church let Him in?
Remember He was called a drunkard and a glutton by “religious men”
The Son of God not supported self-righteousness, not now, not then.
Now back to the point, one thing I think is vital to mention,
How Jesus and religion are on opposite spectrums,
One is the work of God one is a man made invention,
One is the cure and one is the infection.
Because Religion says do, Jesus says DONE.
Religion says slave, Jesus says SON,
Religion puts you in bondage but Jesus sets you FREE
Religion makes you blind, but Jesus lets you SEE.
This is what makes religion and Jesus two different clans,
Religion is man searching for God, but Christianity is God searching for man.
Which is why salvation is freely mine, forgiveness is my own,
Not based on my efforts, but Christ’s obedience alone.
Because he took the crown of thorns,
and blood that dripped down his face
He took what we all deserved,
that’s why we call it GRACE.
While being murdered He yelled “Father forgive them, they know not what they do”,
Because when He was dangling on that cross, He was thinking of YOU,
He paid for all your sin, and then buried it in the tomb,
Which is why I'm kneeling at the cross now saying 'Come on, there’s room!'.
So know I hate religion, in fact I literally resent it,
Because when Jesus cried 'It is finished',
I believe He meant it.
By Jeff Bethke
P/S: This is the Jeff Bethke's Video.
Labels: beautiful, faith, God, love
I'm on the PEAK!
POSTED ON: 08 July 2012 @ 5:37 PM | 0 comments
Started internship.
Just a week but I learnt quite a number.
I guess I know what kind of style of work.
Who I really am.
What I really want to do that makes me happy as a person.
Wasn't a place of fitting but things starting to fall unto the right place when I have FAITH.
Food was awesome.
I am starting to expand, I think. *HAHA*
But I do miss all my friends in university.
But am glad that we are making effort to text one another or even chat on facebook.
Undergoing this internship make me realised I should even appreciate them more in next two semesters.
This university phase is short but it taught me a lot and would still continue to teach for one more year.
I am glad. Thank God for the people in my life.
So these are FOoooodddd and things I did in the first week of internship.
Turkey Croissant.
Turkey and Cheese Croque
You guys know what's this! HAHA
Eggs and Breads. Yummy!
Freeze- Magic Show with Ice Skating and Acrobatic
Another intern- Fabience.
We went to Fish Leong's Concert.
French Toast Peanut. :)
Free food and events are the best things I got here.
1st week just passed.
Another seven.
Learning as much as I can.
God shall be my compass!:)
Adious. :)
Labels: personal, random
← Older / Scroll Back Up / Newer →
POSTED ON: 30 July 2012 @ 1:54 PM | 0 comments
We always have a choice between hope and despair -
no matter what circumstance we are in.
We always have a choice between fear and faith -
no matter how bleak things look.
And we always have the choice to give and serve -
no matter how little we own.
We always have the choices. Choose wisely.
What do You wanna do?
POSTED ON: 21 July 2012 @ 5:57 PM | 3 comments
What do you wanna do with your life, Fong Wan?
These days my brain is full of this question. Maybe it's internship. To reaffirm what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I believe God gave me certain gifts that I can use to reap at certain places and certainly it is not here. Public relation. Office. Facing computer for a whole day. I don't know. Sometimes, I am in position to handle media. Events. Free admission.
I tried to look at things, positively. Tried my best. My Best. But emotions caught me sometimes. Sometimes, tears just overshadowed my vision when I was thinking about it. Franklysaying, this internship is not easy. It is not because of the work or task. But people.
I cannot help but to judge how they treat us sometimes-how they treat one another, how cliquish are they among one another.I do not know that if it that I was treated nicely by people all the time or peoples here are just like that. A friend said, ' You are not suitable for this job.' I denied but now, I think it is true. This place. This corporate-kind-of-job, really is not a place for me.
I see myself working happily, miggling with people, talking to them, comforting them. Impacting people with what I've learnt with God, people and them. Even if I was to face obstacles, I know that I am doing what I love.
Not sitting in front of computer for a day and not allowed to talk in the office. Pretending to be busy even I am not.
Seriously, I can't wait for this to be done. I am transferring to another team next month. I will be over with this team - Media. I don't know what would happened next. But I know what I wanna do for the rest of my life. Certainly, it's not this.
Yesterday, I expressed everything to God. For the first time, I was soOOO angry at God. Even though, I was so angry but my action will not change God Himself. He still continue to be loving, patient and kind towards me which amazed me.
I have learnt. Although people here are workaholic, cliquish, all-the-cooporate-kind-of-attitudes, but I cannot allow myself to be blinded by that by treating them the same. I have to be patient. Even if I cannot stand it anymore, I will run to God. He shall renew my strength to overcome all my difficulties. And I shall not become one of them. I:) I have learnt no matter what how much you dont understand why are you being put in a difficult situation that leave you suffocating, God understand. He is just there. Cry, be angry, just be unglued..coz HE IS THERE.
Galatian 6:9
Let us not be weary in doing food, for at proper time,we will REAP A HARVEST if we DO NOT GIVE UP.
Labels: faithfulness, God, thought, tough
POSTED ON: 17 July 2012 @ 11:38 PM | 1 comments
Bitter and sweet. 'Bittersweet'. That is the word to describe my second week of internship. Was really feeling disturbed (what a word!) by my internship. HAHAHA! But I am not going to say anything negative about it because well, there is always another perspective on a situation. I have learnt more. I have learnt that God must have felt for me too. He suffered too. He know the feeling of rejections and persecutions even more. So, I have a GOD that understand how I feel. Well, I am not alone. You see, I am here for a reason. By the end of the day, I will take back what He wants me to learn.
''A rainbow requires droplets of rain and beam of sunshine to be formed.''
SOOooooo, what I did? I went to MTV World Stage!!! *woots* . Got free passes from my friend. *thankyouverymuch*. Went with Monica, Melanie and Natalia. It was okay. I SAW JUSTIN BIEBER and JAY PARK. Jay Park was awesome. :) Jay Park showed his abs and it was actually hilarious ( because he did it many times). Monica and I were laughing hard. But he was a good performer. All-in-one! I stay with Monica after that. * thank you very much much much!*
Justin BIEBER!!! He is pretty-looking! *I am not his fan* *SERIOUS*. haha
Our MTV world stage's passes. And we ''smuggled' a bottle of water into the concert. *they prohibited us from bringing water* HAHA
When we reached, he sang 'Never say never' , 'One time' and ' Somebody to love' .
MONICA and ME!!!:) Yipeee!!!
KARA was performing.
JAY PARK!! Honestly, he was the best performer! He can dance, sing, rap! ALL-in-ONE! He made the whole show, a WORTH!:)
Mon's cat. She was cute . I like her fluffy fur.
M&M, brought all the way from Japan by Mon's brother, Marcus! It's in COCONUT flavour! I like!:)
The M&Ms are only in 3 colours,tho.
We have employee's carnival here. So I played Laser Tech with one of my friends here. It was fun. I was the first to be shot dead. *ALWAYS* There was cosplay exhibition :Captain America, Pirate of Caribbean, Batman..etc. I shaked hand with them. Didn't manage to take pictures. But it was a fun day. Tried the Spiderman Flying Coaster on the same day! It was fun too.
Chicken Pie
Something Cheese Cake. HAHA
I don't know what is this. But it was tasty. Something I never had before.
Chicken again. HAHA
Chicken Wingggg!!!!! *fly fly fly*. HAHAHAHA
Roti John.
Anyways.. I catched up with friends. I initiated some textings here and there to stay in touch with friends. Got to know what they are doing. I think it is very important to stay in touch with friends. It's like friendship can be maintained even though we are far apart. That's the power of friendship!:) HAHA.
The view from the place I stay.
Soooooooo... that's all. Learnt to see things on the another side. :) It does help.
Especially if you try to see things from God's eyes!:)
Labels: faithfulness, friendship, random
'What if I told You?'
POSTED ON: 11 July 2012 @ 4:24 PM | 1 comments
What if I told you, Jesus came to abolish religion?
What if I told you getting you to vote republican, really wasn’t his mission?
Because republican doesn’t automatically mean Christian,
And just because you call some people blind, doesn’t automatically give you vision.
If religion is so great, why has it started so many wars?
Why does it build huge churches, but fails to feed the poor?
Tells single moms God doesn’t love them if they’ve ever been divorced,
Yet God in the Old Testament actually calls the religious people whores.
Religion might preaches Grace,
but another thing they practice.
Tend to ridicule Gods people, they did it to John the Baptist,
They cant fix their problems, so they try to mask it,
Not realizing that’s just like spraying perfume on a casket.
Because the problem with religion,
is that it never gets to the core,It’s just behavior modification, like a long list of chores.
Let’s dress up the outside, make things look nice and neat,
Its funny that’s what they do to mummies, while the corpse rots underneath,
Now I ain’t judging, I’m just saying be careful of putting on a fake look.
Because there’s a problem,
IF people only know that you’re a Christian by that little section on your Facebook.
In every other aspect of life you know that logics unworthy,
Its like saying you play for the lakers just because you bought a jersey.
But see I played this game too; no one seemed to be on to me,
I was acting like church kid, while addicted to pornography.
I’d go to church on Sunday, but on saturday getting faded,
Acting as if I was simply created to have sex and get wasted.
Spend my whole life putting on this façade of neatness,
But now that I know Jesus, I boast in my weakness.
If grace is water, then the church should be an ocean,
Cuz its not a museum for good people, it’s a hospital for the broken.
I no longer have to hide my failures I don’t have to hide my sin,
Because my salvation doesn’t depend on me, it depends on HIM.
You see, because when I was God's enemy and certainly not a fan,
God looked down on me and said, “I want that man!”
Which is so different from religious people, and why Jesus called them fools
Don’t you see he's so much better, than just following some rules?
Now let me clarify, I love the church, I love the bible, and I believe in sin
But my question, is if Jesus were here today, would your church let Him in?
Remember He was called a drunkard and a glutton by “religious men”
The Son of God not supported self-righteousness, not now, not then.
Now back to the point, one thing I think is vital to mention,
How Jesus and religion are on opposite spectrums,
One is the work of God one is a man made invention,
One is the cure and one is the infection.
Because Religion says do, Jesus says DONE.
Religion says slave, Jesus says SON,
Religion puts you in bondage but Jesus sets you FREE
Religion makes you blind, but Jesus lets you SEE.
This is what makes religion and Jesus two different clans,
Religion is man searching for God, but Christianity is God searching for man.
Which is why salvation is freely mine, forgiveness is my own,
Not based on my efforts, but Christ’s obedience alone.
Because he took the crown of thorns,
and blood that dripped down his face
He took what we all deserved,
that’s why we call it GRACE.
While being murdered He yelled “Father forgive them, they know not what they do”,
Because when He was dangling on that cross, He was thinking of YOU,
He paid for all your sin, and then buried it in the tomb,
Which is why I'm kneeling at the cross now saying 'Come on, there’s room!'.
So know I hate religion, in fact I literally resent it,
Because when Jesus cried 'It is finished',
I believe He meant it.
By Jeff Bethke
P/S: This is the Jeff Bethke's Video.
Labels: beautiful, faith, God, love
I'm on the PEAK!
POSTED ON: 08 July 2012 @ 5:37 PM | 0 comments
Started internship.
Just a week but I learnt quite a number.
I guess I know what kind of style of work.
Who I really am.
What I really want to do that makes me happy as a person.
Wasn't a place of fitting but things starting to fall unto the right place when I have FAITH.
Food was awesome.
I am starting to expand, I think. *HAHA*
But I do miss all my friends in university.
But am glad that we are making effort to text one another or even chat on facebook.
Undergoing this internship make me realised I should even appreciate them more in next two semesters.
This university phase is short but it taught me a lot and would still continue to teach for one more year.
I am glad. Thank God for the people in my life.
So these are FOoooodddd and things I did in the first week of internship.
Turkey Croissant.
Turkey and Cheese Croque
You guys know what's this! HAHA
Eggs and Breads. Yummy!
Freeze- Magic Show with Ice Skating and Acrobatic
Another intern- Fabience.
We went to Fish Leong's Concert.
French Toast Peanut. :)
Free food and events are the best things I got here.
1st week just passed.
Another seven.
Learning as much as I can.
God shall be my compass!:)
Adious. :)
Labels: personal, random
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